Another brilliant TV ad ^.^

(click on the image to watch the video)
That's a commercial TV ad was made by The London advertising agency Wieden and Kennedy for Honda Accord -- Honda UK in 2003. Acording to Wikipedia, its name is The Cog. After watching it, I just can say "SUPERB !!!" because it is completely based on some simple physical rules and made without any CGI (computer-generated-imagery) or photographic tricks ^.^ It reminds me of the series of Tom and Jerry of which many episodes rely on the idea of physics and interaction.
Like the previous one I've posted, this ad makes you curious to know what'll happen next and before you start to become fed up with the same thing happening and happening again, the main idea starts :)
The background music and sound work well though they don't occur much in this ad. For some who may want to know, that's the song "Rapper's Delight" by The SugarHill Gang. Besides that, I like the man's voice speaking the slogan of Honda Accord: "Isn't it nice, when things just, work?" (it seems to be hard to listen to it =.='') That's the voice of US author Garrison Keillor.
Just enjoy it and comment, please ;)
Cog(television commercial)