-- Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain --
That's the name of a book that my friend, Lien Anh did introduce to me. I found it kind of interesting bc the title seems to be relatively impressive.
Book Description
Author: Dr. Betty Edwards is Professor Emeritus in Art at
Background of the book: When Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain was first published in 1979, it became the best seller of the New York Times for more than a year. In 1989, when she revised the book, it continued to hit New York Times's list again. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain includes:
* the improvements in brain research;
* how to use drawing techniques in the world and in education;
* how to use your own self-expression through drawing;
* how to use colors correctly;
* how to use the five basic skills to solve the drawing problem.
Maybe you get no idea or concept about the Right and Left brain. Let me tell you some.
Right Brain VS Left Brain
In short, the left brain is used to operate things that are logical, rational and use words to describe concepts, abstract, numbers and time. On the other hand, the right brain is much more sensitive to patterns, tends to be instinctive and illogical, and has no sense of time. Therefore, some first chapters of Drawing on the Right Side are spent to explain the left and right brain research, and why it is important and essential to drawing.
And now that's my review:
My Review:
First, I myself think from its beginning the book mainly aims for people who haven't tried their best to draw when they were children. However, if you are somehow good at drawing skills, you may or may not find this book useful. It depends.
Hmmm… the strong point that I found is that it teaches the readers a great amount of techniques and tricks to show how to really see and draw. For a beginner who has never tried drawing before, it is essensial to help them to draw in the right way. Many of the techniques in this book have actually been used by artists for centuries for example, the grid and the picture as well as teaching tools and concepts. The reason why many people gave this book 5 stars is that this was one of the first drawing books to simply tell readers to compare object 'a' to object 'b' and draw each in exact proportion to the other which is not detailed enough. Each chapter gives you more techniques and instructions on how to use classical drawing methods to set up your skills. This book isn't designed to teach you to be an artist but I think it can help you draw actually and find the pleasure in drawing.
Maybe i rank it 4.5 over 5 stars for its content and its helpfulness.
I recommend that people should read it once and feel the difference when reading other drawing books.
This book is now available on ILC of our university ^^ Have fun with it!!!