"Galz wif a$$e$ like mine don't talk 2 boiz wif face$ like yours" - quoted from "She's The Man"

Monday, August 14, 2006

How to create slashy effect in Flash in 10 steps>>

I applied this effect once in my Flash brief 3A. This kind of effect is not so difficult to learn though you need to be a little bit flexible ^^

Step 1: you take the photo of the target object at a possibly seen distance but make sure that it is far enough.

Step 2: duplicate this image and rename it, then open the new image in Photoshop.
Step 3: Open Filter--> Blur--> Radial Blur
- Blur Method: Zoom.
- Quality: Best.

- Blur Center: choose he point you want audience focus on or the next destination you want to go.
- Blur Amount: it's up to you. The further distance, the more blur amount.

Step 4: import these 2 images into Flash and put the 1st one (not blurry) and the 2nd one (blurry) on the 1st frame, but different layers. Remember to name both layers.

Step 5: convert them into movie clip and name them "img1" and "img2".

Step 6: With "img1" movie clip, on the frame 1, choose its alpha = 100, then on frame 8, choose its alpha =0. Do the same thing but select converse alpha levels for "img2" movie clip.
Scale up the 2nd one's size a little bit to make the movement become real.
Step 7: Motion Tween two of them.

Step 8: Play movie once or twice to adjust somehow. Maybe extend the number of frames or make the 2nd one more blurry.

Step 9: import the third image (the one of which the next destination locates)

Step 10: leave a blank frame then put the 3rd one on frame 10. Put "stop();" on this frame.

Now you can enjoy your job ^^


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