"Galz wif a$$e$ like mine don't talk 2 boiz wif face$ like yours" - quoted from "She's The Man"

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Caricature is a picture or a poitrait in which the characteristic of the figure is distorted or exaggerated to create a sense of humor or a easily seen visual likeness.
Usually the figures are drawn with a big head, a big nose or a big mouth which depends on his real characteristics. I think that Caricature reflects many aspects of a normal person as well as the real life. Therefore sometimes it makes fun of silliness or crudeness of people, but above all, it makes people think and meditate upon the given idea in the picture.

Here are some funny and meaningful examples:

MONSTROUS CRAWS, at a New Coalition Feast
by James Gillray
Copperplate engraving published May 29, 1787

The King, Queen, and Prince of Wales sit around a bowl of guineas and ladle coins into their mouths.

This image was taken from EmailJoke and it makes fun of the overuse of Internet worldwide by simplifying people's faces with Yahoo Messenger icons. However, we still easily recognise they're human being's faces.

These two images depicts the horrible effects of the industrialization and globalization all over the world.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caricature Caricature, Wikipedia, viewed on 6th Aug 2006
http://www.4eco.com/caricature/index.html viewed on 6th Aug 2006
http://www.emailjoke/caricature.gif Caricature picture, EmailJoke, viewed on 6th Aug 2006


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