Sun and Moon symbol part 1
I don't know why yesterday I published 2 posts on my blog, but now they've gone =.= I have to post them again, so it's much shorter and simpler (cuz the passion has already gone after a night *sigh*)
The Sun symbol is created due to what I researched and have experienced in life. The center circle has 2 different colors: red and yellow. To me, the Sun is not only the resource of subsistence (the yelow part), but also can destroy things on the Earth (the red part). When carefully looking at it, you may see the face of 2 people, one is red and one is yellow. They seem to argue with each other. Actually, I didn't mean that when drawing this symbol, but after rendering, I found this interesting thing. Hmmm... what is more, after studying the Gestalt theory, I guess it's Closure concept ^^
The Moon has 2 colors: black and light yellow. The black parts represent the dark nights and the yellow ones can make people think of the tender and comfortable moonlights. The black half circle symbolizes the half moon, which is appiled the Closure concept again. Besides that, the moonlights with different sizes and colors may be the Similarity concept.
I really like your elegant and simple versions of the sun and moon. I like the fact that your differentiation of the symbols is based on angles vs curves and warm vs cool colours
Nicely done.
Thursday, November 09, 2006 10:03:00 AM
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