"Galz wif a$$e$ like mine don't talk 2 boiz wif face$ like yours" - quoted from "She's The Man"

Saturday, July 01, 2006

~~... abstract art or whatever ...~~

Hi you guys,
I'm coming back ^.^ with some weird pictures that I've created by using Photoshop :)

I don't think that abstract art is what we can't really see or understand what it is. But when viewing it, you must think or feel something more strange than other types of art. It must create a huge and strong inspiration to viewers, maybe a horrifying feeling or a cheerful one. It depends the way the artist builds the world around them and how knowledgeable the viewer is.

First is the pic of the clock. The original one is a still clock, however I want to make something more lively and dynamic. Therefore, I hold the hands of clock still and make the background blurry. The clock surface stands for the severity of the time, it's moving uninterruptedly and becomes faster and faster. Besides, clock hands represent the reality which depends on our effect. It will be fixed if we live usefully.
There are my picture...

and the origin...

Second is the combination between the pic of a man in darkness and that of a skull. You know, human is the most intelligent creature in the world, but not all of them are good ones. Actually I think everyone has 2 personas, or in other words, 2 people in their soul. One is good while one is evil. Therefore, the connection I created between 2 pictures becomes smoother and more compatible.

Hey, maybe you can think of a person who lost his face after a terrible accident... It's up to you.. Doesn't matter to me ^.^
2 original ones:

Third is a picture made by some special effects of Photoshop. Maybe you need to look at it and guess what it is before I tell the answer ^.^

Do you feel or think of anything? It is totally abstract when compared to the original version and I think that it's the most abstract one among these +_+. The origin is something beautiful, but sad and boisterous inside. Conversely, the 2nd version makes me feel something mysterious and moving smoothly. Here is the origin:

The last one is a funny one.. Look at it and tell me what you see, guys:

Does it look like a neon sign abounding in the streets when the night is falling or whatever? ^.^
Tee-hee.. If so.... sorry, you're wrong, guys ^.^ It's just only an KEY!!! SURPRISE!!!

Actually, I've tried at least 10 pictures and had many Photoshop versions ^.^ But these four ones are what I think the most suitable to what's required in this exercise :)

Hope you guys ENJOY all of them and feel free to COMMENT :D


Blogger Alan Vo said...

Thanks Tran!
That's what I want when creating my images.. I think on my own way and you think differently :)
It's cool to know that my image reminds you of the movie 'The Mummy' ^.^

Saturday, July 01, 2006 10:40:00 PM

Blogger B'nana [Z] skin said...

All of images are cute. Actually, I like the combination that you showed up above. Tow faces of human,this is really abstract.

Saturday, July 01, 2006 10:53:00 PM

Blogger Alan Vo said...

@ Lien Anh: I know why you did know the 3rd was a key. That's beause you did know the original one ;)
you know, Photoshop is an excellent software... If you dont know the origin, you cant know its edited copy either ^.^
Have fun!
@ Thinh: thanks for ur comment although it seems to be so short :P
I love the 2nd pic most :*

Saturday, July 01, 2006 11:03:00 PM

Blogger thanhhua said...

Hey Chloe, I love the second pic best because it's deep in meaning and rich in intertextual references. Some might think skull is something which represents for the evil like we've seem lots of them as an icon for pirate, Mafia,...etc. To me, a skull reminds me of the death, dryness, danger, and decays. This pic kinda makes me feel that this guy must have been a heavy drug-addict. And this white poison is stealing away the most beautiful part of his appearance as well as his soul.

Sunday, July 02, 2006 9:37:00 AM

Blogger Alan Vo said...

Thanks Thanh ^.^
Each picture, especially an abstract one, has many meaning which depend on the knowledge you've earned from the world around you! The more knowledgeable you are, the more meaningful the picture is ^.^ Sometimes it depends on the culture, the religion, the majority, and etc.
Hope all you guys will find more interest in my later work!

Sunday, July 02, 2006 11:26:00 AM

Blogger Cok The Loc Choc said...

HI Anh
It was reaaly great for the meaning and the technique in your picture.
They are all exactly abstract.
I like your work.
Hope to see more of your work.

Sunday, July 02, 2006 11:28:00 AM

Blogger Alan Vo said...

Thanks Bee so much
Your comment cheers me up :) I'll try more!

Sunday, July 02, 2006 11:49:00 AM

Blogger Melanie said...

Again, thet skull pic impress me much! But the way u edited it give me another feelings to the old ones! It's not only phylosophical issue but also art! Well done!

Sunday, July 02, 2006 1:18:00 PM

Blogger Alan Vo said...

Thanks Lam :)
Each has his own feeling about art! Your comment is one of many ideas here and it gives me some thinking about a new work ;)

Monday, July 03, 2006 9:51:00 PM

Blogger Dim Sum said...

I think the last image of the key is your strongest abstraction, focusing on the irregular shapes of the lines and the negative space that is created.

The third image, although abstract, does not have any particular focus.

The second image is thought -provoking, but not abstraction. It is a composite of 2 images, a collage.

The first image is quite subtle in its emphasis of time, colors and contrast could be played with more to create a stroger piece.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 1:38:00 AM


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